STAFF PRESENTATIONS 21-5464 Receive departmental strategy and budget presentations, as determined by City Management, related to City Council strategic goals and objectives.
EXECUTIVE SESSION - COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM - 5:00 P.M. In accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session to discuss any of the following: • Pending and/or Contemplated Litigation • Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property • Personnel Matters • Economic Development
REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER - 7:00 P.M. INVOCATION Heriberto Padilla, Pastor, Vida Life Church, Mesquite, Texas. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Representatives of the Mesquite Downtown Development Board.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS This time is reserved for special announcements and recognition of individuals or groups.
CITIZENS FORUM At this time a number of citizens not to exceed 10 shall be allowed to speak on any matter other than items on the agenda, personnel matters, matters under litigation or matters concerning the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property for a length of time not exceeding three minutes on a first-come, first-served basis. Citizens addressing the Council through a translator will be allowed six minutes. No Council action or discussion is to be taken until such matter is placed on the Agenda and posted in accordance with law.
CONSENT AGENDA (All items on the Consent Agenda are routine items and may be approved with one motion; however, should any member of the Council or any individual wish to discuss any item, said item may be removed from the Consent Agenda by motion of the City Council.) 3 21-5460 Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held June 7, 2021. 4 21-5474 An ordinance amending Chapter 10.5 of the City Code regarding park hours and alcohol possession, consumption and sale in parks and facilities. 7 21-5473 A resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents with the United States Department of Treasury and serve as the authorized official to receive and administer the allocation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) monies received from the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CLFRF). 8 21-5450 A resolution authorizing the City Manager on behalf of the City of Mesquite to execute an Interlocal Agreement with the Cities of Balch Springs, Seagoville, and the Town of Sunnyvale creating the Southeast Collaboration Crisis Intervention Team per the provisions of the Dallas County New Directions in Public Safety Grant and appointing the City Manager as the authorized official to manage, reject, alter, or terminate the Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the City. 9 21-5445 A resolution authorizing the sale of tax-foreclosed property located at 1212 Crest Park Drive in Mesquite, Texas (the “Property”); accepting the offer from Oscar L. Castillo (the “Purchaser”) to purchase the Property; ratifying and approving the Offer and Purchase Agreement executed by the Purchaser setting forth the terms and conditions of the sale of the Property; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a quitclaim deed and all other necessary or requested documents to complete the closing and sale of the Property. 10 21-5463 A resolution authorizing the filing of a grant application in the amount of $66,370.00 with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) for a regional solid waste program local implementation project, authorizing the City Manager to act on behalf of the City of Mesquite in all matters related to the application and pledging that if funding for this project is received, the City of Mesquite, Texas, will comply with all project requirements of the NCTCOG, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the State of Texas. 11 21-5462 Bid No. 2021-036 - Annual Repair of Fire Apparatus. (Staff recommends award to Siddons Martin Emergency Group, LLC in an amount not to exceed $176,700.00. The term of this contract is for one year, with four additional one-year renewal options. The City Manager is authorized to exercise the renewal option, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 12 21-5453 Bid No. 2021-042 - Paving Improvements for Galloway Place Neighborhood and Northridge Addition Repairs. (Staff recommends all bids be rejected and rebid at a later date.) 13 21-5401 Bid No. 2021-092 - Annual Lease Vehicle Program - Police Department. (Staff recommends award to Acme Auto Leasing, Inc., through an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of Plano (Bid No. 2021-0073-AC). The term of this contract is for a one-year period, with four additional one-year renewal options. The City Manager is authorized to exercise the remaining renewal options, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 14 21-5444 Bid No. 2021-099 - Annual Telephone Services - Local and Long Distance. (Staff recommends award to AT&T Corporation, through Texas Department of Information Resources Contract No. DIR-TEX-AN-CTSA 005, in an amount not to exceed $375,000.00.) 15 21-5451 Bid No. 2021-101 - Purchase of Van for New Southeast Collaboration Crisis Intervention Team. (Staff recommends award to Sam Pack’s Five Star Ford, LTD and Chevrolet, through the State of Texas SmartBuy Contract No. 070-A1 in the total amount of $64,730.00.) 16 21-5446 Bid No. 2021-102 - Mobile Data and Voice Service. (Staff recommends award to AT&T Corporation for voice and data plans, through the Department of Information Resources Contract No. DIR-TSO-3420, in an amount not to exceed $182,000.00.) 17 21-5467 Bid No. 2021-104 CityWorks License and Maintenance Services. (Staff recommends award to sole source provider Azteca Systems, LLC for a one-year renewal of sole source software, in an amount not to exceed $65,000.00. The City Manager is authorized to execute any documents necessary to authorize the one-year renewal.) 18 21-5459 Approval of the proposed Community Development Block Grant - COVID-19 (CDBG-CV) Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. 19 21-5481 Approval of association of Gary Allmon Grimes with Linebarger Goggan Glair & Sampson LLP for performance of miscellaneous collections contract dated October 15, 2001.
21-5409 An ordinance amending Chapter 14 of the City Code, making deletions, revisions and adding new sections throughout the chapter and revising Appendix D of the City Code regarding Solid Waste Administrative Fees.
21-5465 An ordinance increasing the number of positions in the Mesquite Fire Department (MFD) from 207 to 211 and establishing the classifications and total number of authorized positions in each classification of the MFD, effective July 1, 2021.
RECEIPT OF RESIGNATION 21-5479 Receive resignation from Ron Ward as a member of the Mesquite Quality of Life Corporation Board of Directors.
APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 21-5485 Consider appointment of one regular member and one alternate member to the Planning and Zoning Commission/Capital Improvements Advisory Committee for terms to expire December 31, 2021.
PUBLIC HEARINGS (City Council may approve a different zoning district than the one requested, except that the different district may not (1) have a maximum structure height or density that is higher than the one requested; or (2) change the uses to include nonresidential when the request is for solely residential uses or vice versa.) 21-5456 Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution approving a variance reducing the separation requirement from 300 feet to 115 feet between La Michoacana Meat Market; an existing grocery store, and Larry G. Smith Elementary School; a public school within the Dallas Independent School District serving children grades Pre-K through 5th grade, to allow La Michoacana Meat Market to sell beer and wine for off-premise consumption, located at 5200 Gus Thomasson Road, Suite 100. (One response in favor and one response in opposition to the application have been received from property owners within the required notification area.) ADJOURNMENT
STAFF PRESENTATIONS 21-5464 Receive departmental strategy and budget presentations, as determined by City Management, related to City Council strategic goals and objectives.
EXECUTIVE SESSION - COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM - 5:00 P.M. In accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session to discuss any of the following: • Pending and/or Contemplated Litigation • Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property • Personnel Matters • Economic Development
REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER - 7:00 P.M. INVOCATION Heriberto Padilla, Pastor, Vida Life Church, Mesquite, Texas. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Representatives of the Mesquite Downtown Development Board.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS This time is reserved for special announcements and recognition of individuals or groups.
CITIZENS FORUM At this time a number of citizens not to exceed 10 shall be allowed to speak on any matter other than items on the agenda, personnel matters, matters under litigation or matters concerning the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property for a length of time not exceeding three minutes on a first-come, first-served basis. Citizens addressing the Council through a translator will be allowed six minutes. No Council action or discussion is to be taken until such matter is placed on the Agenda and posted in accordance with law.
CONSENT AGENDA (All items on the Consent Agenda are routine items and may be approved with one motion; however, should any member of the Council or any individual wish to discuss any item, said item may be removed from the Consent Agenda by motion of the City Council.) 3 21-5460 Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held June 7, 2021. 4 21-5474 An ordinance amending Chapter 10.5 of the City Code regarding park hours and alcohol possession, consumption and sale in parks and facilities. 7 21-5473 A resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents with the United States Department of Treasury and serve as the authorized official to receive and administer the allocation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) monies received from the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CLFRF). 8 21-5450 A resolution authorizing the City Manager on behalf of the City of Mesquite to execute an Interlocal Agreement with the Cities of Balch Springs, Seagoville, and the Town of Sunnyvale creating the Southeast Collaboration Crisis Intervention Team per the provisions of the Dallas County New Directions in Public Safety Grant and appointing the City Manager as the authorized official to manage, reject, alter, or terminate the Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the City. 9 21-5445 A resolution authorizing the sale of tax-foreclosed property located at 1212 Crest Park Drive in Mesquite, Texas (the “Property”); accepting the offer from Oscar L. Castillo (the “Purchaser”) to purchase the Property; ratifying and approving the Offer and Purchase Agreement executed by the Purchaser setting forth the terms and conditions of the sale of the Property; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a quitclaim deed and all other necessary or requested documents to complete the closing and sale of the Property. 10 21-5463 A resolution authorizing the filing of a grant application in the amount of $66,370.00 with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) for a regional solid waste program local implementation project, authorizing the City Manager to act on behalf of the City of Mesquite in all matters related to the application and pledging that if funding for this project is received, the City of Mesquite, Texas, will comply with all project requirements of the NCTCOG, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the State of Texas. 11 21-5462 Bid No. 2021-036 - Annual Repair of Fire Apparatus. (Staff recommends award to Siddons Martin Emergency Group, LLC in an amount not to exceed $176,700.00. The term of this contract is for one year, with four additional one-year renewal options. The City Manager is authorized to exercise the renewal option, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 12 21-5453 Bid No. 2021-042 - Paving Improvements for Galloway Place Neighborhood and Northridge Addition Repairs. (Staff recommends all bids be rejected and rebid at a later date.) 13 21-5401 Bid No. 2021-092 - Annual Lease Vehicle Program - Police Department. (Staff recommends award to Acme Auto Leasing, Inc., through an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of Plano (Bid No. 2021-0073-AC). The term of this contract is for a one-year period, with four additional one-year renewal options. The City Manager is authorized to exercise the remaining renewal options, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 14 21-5444 Bid No. 2021-099 - Annual Telephone Services - Local and Long Distance. (Staff recommends award to AT&T Corporation, through Texas Department of Information Resources Contract No. DIR-TEX-AN-CTSA 005, in an amount not to exceed $375,000.00.) 15 21-5451 Bid No. 2021-101 - Purchase of Van for New Southeast Collaboration Crisis Intervention Team. (Staff recommends award to Sam Pack’s Five Star Ford, LTD and Chevrolet, through the State of Texas SmartBuy Contract No. 070-A1 in the total amount of $64,730.00.) 16 21-5446 Bid No. 2021-102 - Mobile Data and Voice Service. (Staff recommends award to AT&T Corporation for voice and data plans, through the Department of Information Resources Contract No. DIR-TSO-3420, in an amount not to exceed $182,000.00.) 17 21-5467 Bid No. 2021-104 CityWorks License and Maintenance Services. (Staff recommends award to sole source provider Azteca Systems, LLC for a one-year renewal of sole source software, in an amount not to exceed $65,000.00. The City Manager is authorized to execute any documents necessary to authorize the one-year renewal.) 18 21-5459 Approval of the proposed Community Development Block Grant - COVID-19 (CDBG-CV) Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. 19 21-5481 Approval of association of Gary Allmon Grimes with Linebarger Goggan Glair & Sampson LLP for performance of miscellaneous collections contract dated October 15, 2001.
21-5409 An ordinance amending Chapter 14 of the City Code, making deletions, revisions and adding new sections throughout the chapter and revising Appendix D of the City Code regarding Solid Waste Administrative Fees.
21-5465 An ordinance increasing the number of positions in the Mesquite Fire Department (MFD) from 207 to 211 and establishing the classifications and total number of authorized positions in each classification of the MFD, effective July 1, 2021.
RECEIPT OF RESIGNATION 21-5479 Receive resignation from Ron Ward as a member of the Mesquite Quality of Life Corporation Board of Directors.
APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 21-5485 Consider appointment of one regular member and one alternate member to the Planning and Zoning Commission/Capital Improvements Advisory Committee for terms to expire December 31, 2021.
PUBLIC HEARINGS (City Council may approve a different zoning district than the one requested, except that the different district may not (1) have a maximum structure height or density that is higher than the one requested; or (2) change the uses to include nonresidential when the request is for solely residential uses or vice versa.) 21-5456 Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution approving a variance reducing the separation requirement from 300 feet to 115 feet between La Michoacana Meat Market; an existing grocery store, and Larry G. Smith Elementary School; a public school within the Dallas Independent School District serving children grades Pre-K through 5th grade, to allow La Michoacana Meat Market to sell beer and wine for off-premise consumption, located at 5200 Gus Thomasson Road, Suite 100. (One response in favor and one response in opposition to the application have been received from property owners within the required notification area.) ADJOURNMENT