PUBLIC HEARINGS 17-2803 Conduct a citizen input hearing regarding amendments to the City Charter.
17-2819 Conduct a public hearing and consider, on first reading, an ordinance imposing a moratorium on applications and plans for development for permits, plats, verifications, rezonings, site plans and new or revised certificates of occupancy for truck stops and other development that includes the parking of heavy load vehicles as a principal use or as an accessory use within the corporate city limits of Mesquite, adopting written findings justifying the moratorium, providing for waivers and limited exceptions to the moratorium, and establishing an expiration date. ADJOURNMENT
PUBLIC HEARINGS 17-2803 Conduct a citizen input hearing regarding amendments to the City Charter.
17-2819 Conduct a public hearing and consider, on first reading, an ordinance imposing a moratorium on applications and plans for development for permits, plats, verifications, rezonings, site plans and new or revised certificates of occupancy for truck stops and other development that includes the parking of heavy load vehicles as a principal use or as an accessory use within the corporate city limits of Mesquite, adopting written findings justifying the moratorium, providing for waivers and limited exceptions to the moratorium, and establishing an expiration date. ADJOURNMENT