Receive briefing from Texas Department of Transportation staff regarding the US Highway 80 Improvement Project.
Receive departmental strategy and budget presentations, as determined by City Management, related to City Council strategic goals and objectives.
INVOCATION Archie Greer, Pastor, Trinity Christian Worship, Mesquite, Texas. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Members of the Mesquite Historical and Genealogical Society.
Presentation by Mesquite Elks Lodge-Auxiliary in support of the Mesquite Veterans Memorial campaign.
This time is reserved for special announcements and recognition of individuals or groups.
At this time a number of citizens not to exceed 10 shall be allowed to speak on any matter other than personnel matters, matters under litigation or matters concerning the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property for a length of time not to exceed three minutes on a first-come, first-served basis. No Council action or discussion is to be taken until such matter is placed on the Agenda and posted in accordance with law.
CONSENT AGENDA (All items on the Consent Agenda are routine items and may be approved with one motion; however, should any member of the City Council or any individual wish to discuss any item, said item may be removed from the Consent Agenda by motion of the City Council.) 5 Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held June 3, 2019. 6 An ordinance amending Chapter 9 of the City Code by reducing the speed limit from 45 MPH to 40 MPH on East Cartwright Road from Mesquite Valley Road to Lawson Road, by reducing the speed limit from 45 MPH to 35 MPH on Rodeo Center Boulevard (formerly Hickory Tree Road) from Bruton Road to south curb line of Military Parkway, by reducing the speed limit from 45 MPH to 35 MPH on Lawson Road from Interstate Highway 20 to north City limits and by temporarily reducing the speed limit from 40 MPH to 30 MPH on Town East Boulevard from Samuell Boulevard to Skyline Drive due to road construction. 7 Bid No. 2019-040 - Town East Boulevard Water, Paving & Drainage Reconstruction Project from US Highway 80 to Skyline Drive. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with low bidder Tiseo Paving Company for the Base Bid and Alternative No. 1 in the amount of $12,963,840.55). 8 Bid No. 2019-063 - Construction Single Family Residential House - 1701 Orchid Drive. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with J & M Robertson, Inc ., d/b/a JMR Construction, in the amount of $189,974.00.) 9 Bid No. 2019-064 - Construction Single Family Residential House - 1030 Lindo Drive. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with J & M Robertson, Inc ., d/b/a JMR Construction, in the amount of $159,740.00.) 10 Bid No. 2019-069 - Emporium Circle and Childress Pavement Replacement Project. (Staff recommends all bids be rejected.) 11 Bid No. 2019-076 - Annual Landscape Maintenance of the TxDOT High Visibility Interchanges. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with Yellowstone Landscaping Company, in the amount of $80,535.08. The term of this contract is for a one-year period with four additional one-year renewal options, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 12 Bid No. 2019-077 - Annual Mowing Maintenance of City Parks and Special Areas. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with Good Earth, Inc ., in the amount of $305,859.60. The term of this contract is for a one-year period with four additional one-year renewal options, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 13 Bid No. 2019-087 - Arts Center Concert Hall Lighting Upgrade. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with Barbizon Lighting Company, through BuyBoard Contract No. 575-18, sponsored by the Texas Association of School Boards, in the amount of $119,685.95.) 14 Bid No. 2019-092 - Purchase of a Concrete Mixer Truck. (Staff recommends award to MHC Kenworth, in Dallas, Texas, through Sourcewell Contract No. 0817-16-KTC, in the amount of $181,973.00.) 15 Bid No. 2019-093 - Annual Telephone Services (Local and Long Distance). (Staff recommends award to AT&T Corporation, through Texas Department of Information Resources Contract No. DIR-TEX-AN-CTSA 005, in an amount not to exceed $375,000.00.) 16 Bid No. 2019-095 - Municipal Court Audio/Video Upgrade. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with Data Projections, Inc ., through BuyBoard Contract No. 579-19, sponsored by the Texas Association of School Boards, in the amount of $81,849.83.) 17 Bid No. 2019-096 - Emergency Operations Center and IT Conference Room Audio/Video Upgrade. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with Data Projections, Inc ., through an Interlocal Cooperative-Purchasing Agreement with The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Contract No. 171001, in the amount of $79,995.94.)
Ratification of annual contracts having unexercised renewal options that were previously approved by the City Council with agenda language not identifying the renewal options. [A list of the affected contracts is included as an attachment to this Agenda item.]
Conduct a public hearing regarding an update to the Water Conservation Plan and the Drought Contingency and Emergency Management Plan as required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB).
A. Conduct a public hearing under Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code to consider approving an amended Project Plan and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plan for Towne Centre Reinvestment Zone Number Two, City of Mesquite, Texas (“the Zone”), extending the term of the Zone for an additional 20 years to expire December 31, 2039, amending the composition of the board of directors for the Zone, and other related matters. B. An ordinance approving an amended Project Plan and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plan for Towne Centre Reinvestment Zone Number Two, City of Mesquite, Texas (“the Zone”), extending the term of the Zone for an additional 20 years to expire December 31, 2039, amending the composition of the board of directors for the Zone effective January 1, 2020, amending Ordinance No. 3257 and Ordinance No. 4529, and other related matters.
Consider appointment of two regular members to the Building Standards Board for terms to expire January 1, 2021, and one alternate member for a term to expire January 1, 2020.
Consider appointment of two alternate members to the Board of Adjustment for terms to expire January 1, 2020, and January 1, 2021, who will also serve on the Automated Traffic Signal Enforcement Advisory Committee.
Approve a supplemental agreement with P3WORKS, LLC, revising the scope of services to include Public Improvement District and Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone administration, providing for a one-year term with two one-year renewal options, and increasing the contract amount by $50,000.00, for a not to exceed amount of $100,000.00, and authorize the City Manager to execute the supplemental agreement.
A resolution authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute a First Amendment to the Polo Ridge Development Agreement to amend Exhibits “A,” “B,” “C” and “E,” and Section 13.3 relating to Retail Water and Wastewater Service to the Property, for the development of property commonly referred to as “Polo Ridge Ranch,” and being generally located south of FM 740, west of FM 2757 and north of Kelly Road in Kaufman County, Texas, located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Mesquite, Texas.
Conduct a public hearing to consider testimony regarding the proposed assessments to be levied against assessable property within the Polo Ridge Public Improvement District No. 2, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code. The property is approximately 805.79 acres of land generally located south of FM 740, west of FM 2757 and north of Kelly Road in Kaufman County, Texas, located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Mesquite, Texas.
An ordinance approving a Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll for Phase # 1 Improvements and Phase #2-6 Major Improvements for the Polo Ridge Public Improvement District No. 2 (the “District”), making a finding of Special Benefit to certain property in the District, levying special assessments against certain property within the District and establishing a lien on such property, providing for payment of the assessment in accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as amended, providing for the method of assessment and the payment of the assessments, providing penalties and interest on delinquent assessments, providing for severability and providing an effective date.
An ordinance approving and authorizing the issuance and sale of the City of Mesquite Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 (Polo Ridge Public Improvement District No. 2 Phase #1 Project), approving and authorizing an Indenture of Trust, a Bond Purchase Agreement, Limited Offering Memorandum, a Construction, Funding and Acquisition Agreement, a Continuing Disclosure Agreement, and other agreements and documents in connection therewith, making findings with respect to the issuance of such bonds, and providing an effective date.
An ordinance approving and authorizing the issuance and sale of the City of Mesquite Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 (Polo Ridge Public Improvement District No. 2 Phase #2-6 Major Improvement Project), approving and authorizing an Indenture of Trust, a Bond Purchase Agreement, Limited Offering Memorandum, a Construction, Funding and Acquisition Agreement, a Continuing Disclosure Agreement, and other agreements and documents in connection therewith, making findings with respect to the issuance of such bonds, and providing an effective date.
EXECUTIVE SESSION - EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM - 4:00 P.M. In accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session to discuss any of the following: • Pending and/or Contemplated Litigation • Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property • Personnel Matters • Economic Development ADJOURNMENT
Receive briefing from Texas Department of Transportation staff regarding the US Highway 80 Improvement Project.
Receive departmental strategy and budget presentations, as determined by City Management, related to City Council strategic goals and objectives.
INVOCATION Archie Greer, Pastor, Trinity Christian Worship, Mesquite, Texas. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Members of the Mesquite Historical and Genealogical Society.
Presentation by Mesquite Elks Lodge-Auxiliary in support of the Mesquite Veterans Memorial campaign.
This time is reserved for special announcements and recognition of individuals or groups.
At this time a number of citizens not to exceed 10 shall be allowed to speak on any matter other than personnel matters, matters under litigation or matters concerning the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property for a length of time not to exceed three minutes on a first-come, first-served basis. No Council action or discussion is to be taken until such matter is placed on the Agenda and posted in accordance with law.
CONSENT AGENDA (All items on the Consent Agenda are routine items and may be approved with one motion; however, should any member of the City Council or any individual wish to discuss any item, said item may be removed from the Consent Agenda by motion of the City Council.) 5 Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held June 3, 2019. 6 An ordinance amending Chapter 9 of the City Code by reducing the speed limit from 45 MPH to 40 MPH on East Cartwright Road from Mesquite Valley Road to Lawson Road, by reducing the speed limit from 45 MPH to 35 MPH on Rodeo Center Boulevard (formerly Hickory Tree Road) from Bruton Road to south curb line of Military Parkway, by reducing the speed limit from 45 MPH to 35 MPH on Lawson Road from Interstate Highway 20 to north City limits and by temporarily reducing the speed limit from 40 MPH to 30 MPH on Town East Boulevard from Samuell Boulevard to Skyline Drive due to road construction. 7 Bid No. 2019-040 - Town East Boulevard Water, Paving & Drainage Reconstruction Project from US Highway 80 to Skyline Drive. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with low bidder Tiseo Paving Company for the Base Bid and Alternative No. 1 in the amount of $12,963,840.55). 8 Bid No. 2019-063 - Construction Single Family Residential House - 1701 Orchid Drive. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with J & M Robertson, Inc ., d/b/a JMR Construction, in the amount of $189,974.00.) 9 Bid No. 2019-064 - Construction Single Family Residential House - 1030 Lindo Drive. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with J & M Robertson, Inc ., d/b/a JMR Construction, in the amount of $159,740.00.) 10 Bid No. 2019-069 - Emporium Circle and Childress Pavement Replacement Project. (Staff recommends all bids be rejected.) 11 Bid No. 2019-076 - Annual Landscape Maintenance of the TxDOT High Visibility Interchanges. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with Yellowstone Landscaping Company, in the amount of $80,535.08. The term of this contract is for a one-year period with four additional one-year renewal options, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 12 Bid No. 2019-077 - Annual Mowing Maintenance of City Parks and Special Areas. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with Good Earth, Inc ., in the amount of $305,859.60. The term of this contract is for a one-year period with four additional one-year renewal options, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 13 Bid No. 2019-087 - Arts Center Concert Hall Lighting Upgrade. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with Barbizon Lighting Company, through BuyBoard Contract No. 575-18, sponsored by the Texas Association of School Boards, in the amount of $119,685.95.) 14 Bid No. 2019-092 - Purchase of a Concrete Mixer Truck. (Staff recommends award to MHC Kenworth, in Dallas, Texas, through Sourcewell Contract No. 0817-16-KTC, in the amount of $181,973.00.) 15 Bid No. 2019-093 - Annual Telephone Services (Local and Long Distance). (Staff recommends award to AT&T Corporation, through Texas Department of Information Resources Contract No. DIR-TEX-AN-CTSA 005, in an amount not to exceed $375,000.00.) 16 Bid No. 2019-095 - Municipal Court Audio/Video Upgrade. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with Data Projections, Inc ., through BuyBoard Contract No. 579-19, sponsored by the Texas Association of School Boards, in the amount of $81,849.83.) 17 Bid No. 2019-096 - Emergency Operations Center and IT Conference Room Audio/Video Upgrade. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with Data Projections, Inc ., through an Interlocal Cooperative-Purchasing Agreement with The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) Contract No. 171001, in the amount of $79,995.94.)
Ratification of annual contracts having unexercised renewal options that were previously approved by the City Council with agenda language not identifying the renewal options. [A list of the affected contracts is included as an attachment to this Agenda item.]
Conduct a public hearing regarding an update to the Water Conservation Plan and the Drought Contingency and Emergency Management Plan as required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB).
A. Conduct a public hearing under Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code to consider approving an amended Project Plan and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plan for Towne Centre Reinvestment Zone Number Two, City of Mesquite, Texas (“the Zone”), extending the term of the Zone for an additional 20 years to expire December 31, 2039, amending the composition of the board of directors for the Zone, and other related matters. B. An ordinance approving an amended Project Plan and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plan for Towne Centre Reinvestment Zone Number Two, City of Mesquite, Texas (“the Zone”), extending the term of the Zone for an additional 20 years to expire December 31, 2039, amending the composition of the board of directors for the Zone effective January 1, 2020, amending Ordinance No. 3257 and Ordinance No. 4529, and other related matters.
Consider appointment of two regular members to the Building Standards Board for terms to expire January 1, 2021, and one alternate member for a term to expire January 1, 2020.
Consider appointment of two alternate members to the Board of Adjustment for terms to expire January 1, 2020, and January 1, 2021, who will also serve on the Automated Traffic Signal Enforcement Advisory Committee.
Approve a supplemental agreement with P3WORKS, LLC, revising the scope of services to include Public Improvement District and Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone administration, providing for a one-year term with two one-year renewal options, and increasing the contract amount by $50,000.00, for a not to exceed amount of $100,000.00, and authorize the City Manager to execute the supplemental agreement.
A resolution authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute a First Amendment to the Polo Ridge Development Agreement to amend Exhibits “A,” “B,” “C” and “E,” and Section 13.3 relating to Retail Water and Wastewater Service to the Property, for the development of property commonly referred to as “Polo Ridge Ranch,” and being generally located south of FM 740, west of FM 2757 and north of Kelly Road in Kaufman County, Texas, located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Mesquite, Texas.
Conduct a public hearing to consider testimony regarding the proposed assessments to be levied against assessable property within the Polo Ridge Public Improvement District No. 2, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code. The property is approximately 805.79 acres of land generally located south of FM 740, west of FM 2757 and north of Kelly Road in Kaufman County, Texas, located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Mesquite, Texas.
An ordinance approving a Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll for Phase # 1 Improvements and Phase #2-6 Major Improvements for the Polo Ridge Public Improvement District No. 2 (the “District”), making a finding of Special Benefit to certain property in the District, levying special assessments against certain property within the District and establishing a lien on such property, providing for payment of the assessment in accordance with Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code, as amended, providing for the method of assessment and the payment of the assessments, providing penalties and interest on delinquent assessments, providing for severability and providing an effective date.
An ordinance approving and authorizing the issuance and sale of the City of Mesquite Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 (Polo Ridge Public Improvement District No. 2 Phase #1 Project), approving and authorizing an Indenture of Trust, a Bond Purchase Agreement, Limited Offering Memorandum, a Construction, Funding and Acquisition Agreement, a Continuing Disclosure Agreement, and other agreements and documents in connection therewith, making findings with respect to the issuance of such bonds, and providing an effective date.
An ordinance approving and authorizing the issuance and sale of the City of Mesquite Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 (Polo Ridge Public Improvement District No. 2 Phase #2-6 Major Improvement Project), approving and authorizing an Indenture of Trust, a Bond Purchase Agreement, Limited Offering Memorandum, a Construction, Funding and Acquisition Agreement, a Continuing Disclosure Agreement, and other agreements and documents in connection therewith, making findings with respect to the issuance of such bonds, and providing an effective date.
EXECUTIVE SESSION - EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM - 4:00 P.M. In accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session to discuss any of the following: • Pending and/or Contemplated Litigation • Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property • Personnel Matters • Economic Development ADJOURNMENT