STAFF PRESENTATIONS Receive briefing regarding a proposed Historic Preservation Ordinance and Downtown Overlay ordinance.
EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM - 5:00 P.M. In accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session to discuss any of the following: • Pending and/or Contemplated Litigation • Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property • Personnel Matters • Economic Development
REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER - 7:00 P.M. INVOCATION Rocky Pope, Pastor, Inspiration Church, Mesquite, Texas. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Members of the Mesquite AMBUCS.
PRESENTATIONS Presentation of donation to the Mesquite Veterans Memorial campaign by Mesquite AMBUCS.
This time is reserved for special announcements and recognition of individuals or groups.
At this time a number of citizens not to exceed 10 shall be allowed to speak on any matter other than items on the agenda, personnel matters, matters under litigation or matters concerning the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property for a length of time not to exceed three minutes on a first-come, first-served basis. Citizens addressing the Council through a translator will be allowed six minutes. No Council action or discussion is to be taken until such matter is placed on the Agenda and posted in accordance with law.
(All items on the Consent Agenda are routine items and may be approved with one motion; however, should any member of the Council or any individual wish to discuss any item, said item may be removed from the consent Agenda by motion of the City Council. Any individual desiring to address the City Council regarding an item on the Consent Agenda shall do so on a first-come, first-served basis. Comments are limited to three minutes, except a speaker addressing the Council through a translator will be allowed six minutes.) 5 19-4413 Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held October 7, 2019. 6 19-4438 An ordinance, on first reading, granting to Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC, its successors and assigns, the nonexclusive right to use and occupy rights-of-way within the City of Mesquite, Dallas County, Texas, for the construction and operation of an electric transmission and distribution system, prescribing conditions governing the use of the public rights-of-way, providing for compensation therefore, providing for an effective date and a term of said franchise, providing for written acceptance of this franchise, finding that the meetings at which this ordinance is passed are open to the public, and providing for severability. 7 19-4422 An ordinance adopting the General Government Policies and Procedures Manual with amendments. 8 19-4428 A resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Dallas Area Household Hazardous Waste Network Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County for Fiscal Year 2019-20 for an amount not to exceed $111,200.00. 9 19-4431 Bid No. 2019-112 - Annual Grinding of Brush. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with GWG Wood Group, Inc. in the amount of $247,786.56. The term of this contract is for a one-year period with four additional one-year renewal options. The City Manager is authorized to exercise the renewal options, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 10 19-4433 Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute an Agreement Designating Retail Water Service Territory and Transferring Facilities and Customers with Talty Special Utility District for a limited transfer of Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) area and associated infrastructure and easements to the City of Mesquite. 11 19-4450 Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute an amendment to a contract with Garver, LLC, for a Biological Assessment for the Town East Trail project in the amount of $7,822.00.
(City Council may approve a different zoning district than the one requested, except that the different district may not (1) have a maximum structure height or density that is higher than the one requested; or (2) change the uses to include nonresidential when the request is for solely residential uses or vice versa.) 19-4441 Conduct a public hearing and consider Application No. Z0819-0104, submitted by John Jordan of The Nehemiah Company, for a change of zoning from Agricultural to Planned Development district to allow a mixed use planned development, located at 17101 Interstate Highway 20. (No responses in favor or in opposition to the application have been received from property owners within the statutory notification area. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the application with certain stipulations.)
19-4439 Conduct a public hearing and consider an application for Zoning Text Amendment No. 2019-05 amending Section 4-100, Overlay Districts; Section 4-400, Historic Landmark Overlay District Regulations; Section 5-400, Board and Commission Established; Section 6-102, Definitions; and a new Part 8, Local Register of Mesquite Landmarks and Historic Designations, all pertaining to new and revised regulations for historic preservation.
Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution approving a grant pursuant to the Downtown Mesquite Façade Improvement Program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City of Mesquite, authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute a Downtown Mesquite Façade Improvement Program Grant Agreement (Chapter 380 Agreement) for such purposes with George Boyce for façade improvements to the building located at 202 West Davis Street, Mesquite, Texas 75149 and authorizing the City Manager to administer the agreement on behalf of the City.
19-4449 Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution approving a grant pursuant to the Downtown Mesquite Façade Improvement Program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City of Mesquite, authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute a Downtown Mesquite Façade Improvement Program Grant Agreement (Chapter 380 Agreement) for such purposes with Bill Metzger for façade improvements to the building located at 105 West Main Street, Mesquite, Texas 75149 and authorizing the City Manager to administer the agreement on behalf of the City. ADJOURNMENT
STAFF PRESENTATIONS Receive briefing regarding a proposed Historic Preservation Ordinance and Downtown Overlay ordinance.
EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM - 5:00 P.M. In accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session to discuss any of the following: • Pending and/or Contemplated Litigation • Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property • Personnel Matters • Economic Development
REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER - 7:00 P.M. INVOCATION Rocky Pope, Pastor, Inspiration Church, Mesquite, Texas. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Members of the Mesquite AMBUCS.
PRESENTATIONS Presentation of donation to the Mesquite Veterans Memorial campaign by Mesquite AMBUCS.
This time is reserved for special announcements and recognition of individuals or groups.
At this time a number of citizens not to exceed 10 shall be allowed to speak on any matter other than items on the agenda, personnel matters, matters under litigation or matters concerning the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property for a length of time not to exceed three minutes on a first-come, first-served basis. Citizens addressing the Council through a translator will be allowed six minutes. No Council action or discussion is to be taken until such matter is placed on the Agenda and posted in accordance with law.
(All items on the Consent Agenda are routine items and may be approved with one motion; however, should any member of the Council or any individual wish to discuss any item, said item may be removed from the consent Agenda by motion of the City Council. Any individual desiring to address the City Council regarding an item on the Consent Agenda shall do so on a first-come, first-served basis. Comments are limited to three minutes, except a speaker addressing the Council through a translator will be allowed six minutes.) 5 19-4413 Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held October 7, 2019. 6 19-4438 An ordinance, on first reading, granting to Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC, its successors and assigns, the nonexclusive right to use and occupy rights-of-way within the City of Mesquite, Dallas County, Texas, for the construction and operation of an electric transmission and distribution system, prescribing conditions governing the use of the public rights-of-way, providing for compensation therefore, providing for an effective date and a term of said franchise, providing for written acceptance of this franchise, finding that the meetings at which this ordinance is passed are open to the public, and providing for severability. 7 19-4422 An ordinance adopting the General Government Policies and Procedures Manual with amendments. 8 19-4428 A resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Dallas Area Household Hazardous Waste Network Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County for Fiscal Year 2019-20 for an amount not to exceed $111,200.00. 9 19-4431 Bid No. 2019-112 - Annual Grinding of Brush. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with GWG Wood Group, Inc. in the amount of $247,786.56. The term of this contract is for a one-year period with four additional one-year renewal options. The City Manager is authorized to exercise the renewal options, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 10 19-4433 Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute an Agreement Designating Retail Water Service Territory and Transferring Facilities and Customers with Talty Special Utility District for a limited transfer of Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) area and associated infrastructure and easements to the City of Mesquite. 11 19-4450 Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute an amendment to a contract with Garver, LLC, for a Biological Assessment for the Town East Trail project in the amount of $7,822.00.
(City Council may approve a different zoning district than the one requested, except that the different district may not (1) have a maximum structure height or density that is higher than the one requested; or (2) change the uses to include nonresidential when the request is for solely residential uses or vice versa.) 19-4441 Conduct a public hearing and consider Application No. Z0819-0104, submitted by John Jordan of The Nehemiah Company, for a change of zoning from Agricultural to Planned Development district to allow a mixed use planned development, located at 17101 Interstate Highway 20. (No responses in favor or in opposition to the application have been received from property owners within the statutory notification area. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the application with certain stipulations.)
19-4439 Conduct a public hearing and consider an application for Zoning Text Amendment No. 2019-05 amending Section 4-100, Overlay Districts; Section 4-400, Historic Landmark Overlay District Regulations; Section 5-400, Board and Commission Established; Section 6-102, Definitions; and a new Part 8, Local Register of Mesquite Landmarks and Historic Designations, all pertaining to new and revised regulations for historic preservation.
Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution approving a grant pursuant to the Downtown Mesquite Façade Improvement Program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City of Mesquite, authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute a Downtown Mesquite Façade Improvement Program Grant Agreement (Chapter 380 Agreement) for such purposes with George Boyce for façade improvements to the building located at 202 West Davis Street, Mesquite, Texas 75149 and authorizing the City Manager to administer the agreement on behalf of the City.
19-4449 Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution approving a grant pursuant to the Downtown Mesquite Façade Improvement Program to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City of Mesquite, authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute a Downtown Mesquite Façade Improvement Program Grant Agreement (Chapter 380 Agreement) for such purposes with Bill Metzger for façade improvements to the building located at 105 West Main Street, Mesquite, Texas 75149 and authorizing the City Manager to administer the agreement on behalf of the City. ADJOURNMENT