PUBLIC HEARING Conduct a public hearing and first reading for an ordinance imposing a moratorium on applications and plans for development, for permits, plats, verifications, rezoning and site plans for convenience stores within the corporate limits of the City of Mesquite, adopting written findings justifying the moratorium, providing for waivers and limited exceptions to the moratorium and establishing an expiration date.
PUBLIC COMMENTS At this time, any individual wishing to discuss any matter on the agenda, shall be allowed to speak for a length of time not to exceed three minutes on a first-come, first-served basis. Citizens addressing the Council through a translator will be allowed six minutes. ADJOURNMENT
PUBLIC HEARING Conduct a public hearing and first reading for an ordinance imposing a moratorium on applications and plans for development, for permits, plats, verifications, rezoning and site plans for convenience stores within the corporate limits of the City of Mesquite, adopting written findings justifying the moratorium, providing for waivers and limited exceptions to the moratorium and establishing an expiration date.
PUBLIC COMMENTS At this time, any individual wishing to discuss any matter on the agenda, shall be allowed to speak for a length of time not to exceed three minutes on a first-come, first-served basis. Citizens addressing the Council through a translator will be allowed six minutes. ADJOURNMENT