STAFF PRESENTATIONS Receive briefing regarding the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency and Order issued by Dallas County and implementation of mitigation strategies.
CITY COUNCIL/STAFF WORK SESSION - CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER - 6:30 P.M. Receive quarterly activity report from the Economic Development Department.
This time is reserved for special announcements and recognition of individuals or groups.
At this time a number of citizens not to exceed 10 shall be allowed to speak on any matter other than items on the agenda, personnel matters, matters under litigation or matters concerning the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property for a length of time not to exceed three minutes on a first-come, first-served basis. Citizens addressing the Council through a translator will be allowed six minutes. No Council action or discussion is to be taken until such matter is placed on the Agenda and posted in accordance with law.
(All items on the Consent Agenda are routine items and may be approved with one motion; however, should any member of the Council or any individual wish to discuss any item, said item may be removed from the Consent Agenda by motion of the City Council. Any individual desiring to address the City Council regarding an item on the Consent Agenda shall do so on a first-come, first-served basis. Comments are limited to three minutes, except a speaker addressing the Council through a translator will be allowed six minutes.) 3 Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held March 2, 2020. 6 An ordinance amending Chapter 8 of the City Code by adding a new Article XIV to establish convenience store and late hours business regulations. 7 An ordinance amending Chapter 9 of the City Code by deleting Article IX in its entirety thereby removing automated traffic signal enforcement, addressing refunds and future enforcement and rescinding and dissolving the Automated Traffic Signal Enforcement Advisory Committee. City of Mesquite, Texas Page 2 Printed on 3/13/2020 City Council Meeting Agenda March 16, 2020 8 A resolution of the City Council of the City of Mesquite, Texas, supporting the Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency and Order issued by Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins on March 12, 2020, relating to the spread and containment of the Coronavirus, and supporting additional actions of Dallas County authorities, and providing an effective date. 9 Bid No. 2018-038 - Annual Supply of Garbage Can Liners - contract renewal option. (Staff recommends exercising the last of two contract renewal options with Houston Poly Bag 1, Ltd., in the amount of $250,500.00, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 10 Bid No. 2018-054 - Annual Supply of Full Circle Clamps - contract renewal option. (Staff recommends exercising the last of two contract renewal options with Core & Main, dba HD Supply Waterworks, for an amount not to exceed $62,815.87, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 12 RFP No. 2020-022 - Service Center Storage Facility. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the required documents with Mart, Inc ., in the amount of $100,902.00.) 13 RFP No. 2020-023 - Chiller Plant Expansion. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the required documents with Berger Engineering Company, in the amount of $241,316.00.) 14 Bid No. 2020-040 - Annual Landscape Maintenance of the Creek Crossing Area Medians, Rights-of-Way and Landscape Areas. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with low bidder Southlake Landscaping & Maintenance, dba SLM Landscaping & Maintenance, in the amount of $172,750.00. The term of this contract is for one year, with four additional one-year renewal options. The City Manager is authorized to exercise the renewal options, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 15 Bid No. 2020-056 - Purchase of Pneumatic Tire Roller. (Staff recommends award to R.B. Everett in Haltom City, Texas, through Sourcewell Contract No. 032515-BAI, in the amount of $74,059.00.) 16 Bid No. 2020-065 - Purchase of Vac-Trailer. (Staff recommends award to Vermeer Texas-Louisiana in Irving, Texas, through BuyBoard Contract No. 597-19, in the amount of $117,977.08.) 18 Bid No. 2020-071 - Purchase of Ventrac Tractor and Four Attachments. (Staff recommends award to Austin Turf and Tractor in Farmers Branch, Texas, through BuyBoard Contract No. 529-17, sponsored by the Texas Association of School Boards, in the amount of $52,024.11.) 19 Authorize the City Attorney to finalize and execute a Legal Services Agreement with Messer Fort McDonald for legal services in conjunction with the Spradley Farms litigation. 20 Approve a petition requesting installation of speed bumps in the alley between Sabrina Drive and Christa Drive from Mathew Drive to Ryan Drive. 21 Receive the January 2020 semiannual report for impact fees from the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee in accordance with Section 395.058(c)(4) of the Texas Local Government Code. 22 Receive the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 annual report from the Mesquite Quality of Life Corporation Board of Directors.
An ordinance amending Chapter 2, Article IV, of the City Code by adding a new Division 4 entitled “Subsequent Representation” providing restrictions for representation by former City officials before the City.
An ordinance amending Chapter 8 of the City Code, by amending Article XIII “Hotel Premise Regulations” providing for hotel license requirements and associated fee.
Bid No. 2019-089 - Mesquite Veterans Memorial: Design-Build Contract. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a Design-Build contract with Nouveau Construction and Technology Services, in the amount of $285,000.00.)
Bid No. 2020-070 - Purchase of Three Scag Turf Tiger II Mowers. (Staff recommends award to Four Brothers Outdoor Power in Royse City, Texas, through BuyBoard Contract No. 529-17, sponsored by the Texas Association of School Boards, in the amount of $51,972.00.)
PUBLIC HEARINGS (City Council may approve a different zoning district than the one requested, except that the different district may not (1) have a maximum structure height or density that is higher than the one requested; or (2) change the uses to include nonresidential when the request is for solely residential uses or vice versa.) Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance for Application No. Z0120-0128, submitted by Ed Hicks, Jr., on behalf of Clay Cooley Hyundai Mesquite, for a change of zoning from Light Commercial to Light Commercial with a Conditional Use Permit to allow the sale and outdoor display of new and used vehicles, located at 16230 Interstate Highway 635. (No responses in favor or in opposition to the application have been received from property owners within the statutory notification area. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval with certain stipulations.)
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance for Zoning Text Amendment No. 2020-02 amending Mesquite Zoning Ordinance Sections 3-203, Schedule of Permitted Uses; 3-504, Refueling Stations, and; 6-102, Definitions pertaining to new and revised regulations for convenience stores and fueling stations. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the proposed ordinance.)
A. Conduct a public hearing regarding the Parks and Recreation Department Youth Programs Standards of Care. B. Consider an ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 4658 in its entirety and adopting the Parks and Recreation Department 2020 Youth Programs Standards of Care.
APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Consider appointment of one member to the Mesquite Quality of Life Corporation Board of Directors for a term to expire August 19, 2021.
EXECUTIVE SESSION - EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM - 5:00 P.M. In accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session to discuss any of the following: • Pending and/or Contemplated Litigation • Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property • Personnel Matters • Economic Development ADJOURNMENT
STAFF PRESENTATIONS Receive briefing regarding the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency and Order issued by Dallas County and implementation of mitigation strategies.
CITY COUNCIL/STAFF WORK SESSION - CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER - 6:30 P.M. Receive quarterly activity report from the Economic Development Department.
This time is reserved for special announcements and recognition of individuals or groups.
At this time a number of citizens not to exceed 10 shall be allowed to speak on any matter other than items on the agenda, personnel matters, matters under litigation or matters concerning the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property for a length of time not to exceed three minutes on a first-come, first-served basis. Citizens addressing the Council through a translator will be allowed six minutes. No Council action or discussion is to be taken until such matter is placed on the Agenda and posted in accordance with law.
(All items on the Consent Agenda are routine items and may be approved with one motion; however, should any member of the Council or any individual wish to discuss any item, said item may be removed from the Consent Agenda by motion of the City Council. Any individual desiring to address the City Council regarding an item on the Consent Agenda shall do so on a first-come, first-served basis. Comments are limited to three minutes, except a speaker addressing the Council through a translator will be allowed six minutes.) 3 Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held March 2, 2020. 6 An ordinance amending Chapter 8 of the City Code by adding a new Article XIV to establish convenience store and late hours business regulations. 7 An ordinance amending Chapter 9 of the City Code by deleting Article IX in its entirety thereby removing automated traffic signal enforcement, addressing refunds and future enforcement and rescinding and dissolving the Automated Traffic Signal Enforcement Advisory Committee. City of Mesquite, Texas Page 2 Printed on 3/13/2020 City Council Meeting Agenda March 16, 2020 8 A resolution of the City Council of the City of Mesquite, Texas, supporting the Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency and Order issued by Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins on March 12, 2020, relating to the spread and containment of the Coronavirus, and supporting additional actions of Dallas County authorities, and providing an effective date. 9 Bid No. 2018-038 - Annual Supply of Garbage Can Liners - contract renewal option. (Staff recommends exercising the last of two contract renewal options with Houston Poly Bag 1, Ltd., in the amount of $250,500.00, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 10 Bid No. 2018-054 - Annual Supply of Full Circle Clamps - contract renewal option. (Staff recommends exercising the last of two contract renewal options with Core & Main, dba HD Supply Waterworks, for an amount not to exceed $62,815.87, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 12 RFP No. 2020-022 - Service Center Storage Facility. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the required documents with Mart, Inc ., in the amount of $100,902.00.) 13 RFP No. 2020-023 - Chiller Plant Expansion. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the required documents with Berger Engineering Company, in the amount of $241,316.00.) 14 Bid No. 2020-040 - Annual Landscape Maintenance of the Creek Crossing Area Medians, Rights-of-Way and Landscape Areas. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with low bidder Southlake Landscaping & Maintenance, dba SLM Landscaping & Maintenance, in the amount of $172,750.00. The term of this contract is for one year, with four additional one-year renewal options. The City Manager is authorized to exercise the renewal options, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 15 Bid No. 2020-056 - Purchase of Pneumatic Tire Roller. (Staff recommends award to R.B. Everett in Haltom City, Texas, through Sourcewell Contract No. 032515-BAI, in the amount of $74,059.00.) 16 Bid No. 2020-065 - Purchase of Vac-Trailer. (Staff recommends award to Vermeer Texas-Louisiana in Irving, Texas, through BuyBoard Contract No. 597-19, in the amount of $117,977.08.) 18 Bid No. 2020-071 - Purchase of Ventrac Tractor and Four Attachments. (Staff recommends award to Austin Turf and Tractor in Farmers Branch, Texas, through BuyBoard Contract No. 529-17, sponsored by the Texas Association of School Boards, in the amount of $52,024.11.) 19 Authorize the City Attorney to finalize and execute a Legal Services Agreement with Messer Fort McDonald for legal services in conjunction with the Spradley Farms litigation. 20 Approve a petition requesting installation of speed bumps in the alley between Sabrina Drive and Christa Drive from Mathew Drive to Ryan Drive. 21 Receive the January 2020 semiannual report for impact fees from the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee in accordance with Section 395.058(c)(4) of the Texas Local Government Code. 22 Receive the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 annual report from the Mesquite Quality of Life Corporation Board of Directors.
An ordinance amending Chapter 2, Article IV, of the City Code by adding a new Division 4 entitled “Subsequent Representation” providing restrictions for representation by former City officials before the City.
An ordinance amending Chapter 8 of the City Code, by amending Article XIII “Hotel Premise Regulations” providing for hotel license requirements and associated fee.
Bid No. 2019-089 - Mesquite Veterans Memorial: Design-Build Contract. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a Design-Build contract with Nouveau Construction and Technology Services, in the amount of $285,000.00.)
Bid No. 2020-070 - Purchase of Three Scag Turf Tiger II Mowers. (Staff recommends award to Four Brothers Outdoor Power in Royse City, Texas, through BuyBoard Contract No. 529-17, sponsored by the Texas Association of School Boards, in the amount of $51,972.00.)
PUBLIC HEARINGS (City Council may approve a different zoning district than the one requested, except that the different district may not (1) have a maximum structure height or density that is higher than the one requested; or (2) change the uses to include nonresidential when the request is for solely residential uses or vice versa.) Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance for Application No. Z0120-0128, submitted by Ed Hicks, Jr., on behalf of Clay Cooley Hyundai Mesquite, for a change of zoning from Light Commercial to Light Commercial with a Conditional Use Permit to allow the sale and outdoor display of new and used vehicles, located at 16230 Interstate Highway 635. (No responses in favor or in opposition to the application have been received from property owners within the statutory notification area. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval with certain stipulations.)
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance for Zoning Text Amendment No. 2020-02 amending Mesquite Zoning Ordinance Sections 3-203, Schedule of Permitted Uses; 3-504, Refueling Stations, and; 6-102, Definitions pertaining to new and revised regulations for convenience stores and fueling stations. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the proposed ordinance.)
A. Conduct a public hearing regarding the Parks and Recreation Department Youth Programs Standards of Care. B. Consider an ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 4658 in its entirety and adopting the Parks and Recreation Department 2020 Youth Programs Standards of Care.
APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Consider appointment of one member to the Mesquite Quality of Life Corporation Board of Directors for a term to expire August 19, 2021.
EXECUTIVE SESSION - EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM - 5:00 P.M. In accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session to discuss any of the following: • Pending and/or Contemplated Litigation • Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property • Personnel Matters • Economic Development ADJOURNMENT