In accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session to discuss any of the following: Pending and/or Contemplated Litigation Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property Personnel Matters Economic Development
Receive and discuss Initial Assessment regarding whether redistricting is required for City Councilmember districts considering the new 2020 Census data; and, if so, discuss and consider adoption of redistricting criteria to apply to development of new districting plans, and guidelines for public participation in the redistricting process. (Any staff presentation not completed prior to the City Council Regular Meeting in the City Council Chamber at 7:00 p.m. may be presented and considered in the City Council Chamber following the Regular Meeting.)
INVOCATION Beto Meza, Pastor, New Life Church, Mesquite, Texas. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Members of Leadership Mesquite.
This time is reserved for special announcements and recognition of individuals or groups.
At this time, any individual wishing to discuss any matter on the agenda shall be allowed to speak for a length of time not exceeding three minutes on a first-come, first-served basis. Citizens addressing the Council through a translator will be allowed six minutes. Anyone desiring to speak on an item scheduled for a public hearing is requested to hold their comments until the public hearing on that item.
(All items on the Consent Agenda are routine items and may be approved with one motion; however, should any member of the Council or any individual wish to discuss any item, said item may be removed from the Consent Agenda upon request by a City Councilmember.) 2 Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held January 3, 2022. 4 An ordinance amending Chapter 6, “Fire Prevention and Protection,” of the City Code by repealing and replacing Item No. 46 from the Table of Local Amendments to the 2018 International Fire Code (IFC) contained in Section 6-151(2) regarding IFC 503.4.1 - “Traffic Calming Devices.” 5 An Emergency Measure Ordinance of the City of Mesquite, Texas, authorized pursuant to Mesquite City Charter, Article IV, Section 18 and Section 19; continuing the Mayor’s Declaration of Local State of Disaster for Public Health Emergency Related to COVID-19 issued on March 23, 2020, and as previously continued and authorized by the following 2020 ordinances, Ordinance No. 4773, No. 4781, No. 4784, No. 4793, No. 4804, and No. 4822; and 2021 ordinances, Ordinance No. 4836, No. 4844, No. 4858, No. 4879, and No. 4902; confirming the continued activation of the City’s Emergency Management Plans; adopting and approving certain rules and orders to protect the health and safety of persons in the City and to help abate the public health emergency; authorizing the City Manager or his designee to make certain decisions and to take necessary actions to meet city objectives to have city government remain functional while providing essential governmental services during this rapidly changing environment created by the public health emergency; making various findings and provisions related to the subject; making it an offense to fail to comply with a state, local, or interjurisdictional emergency management plan or any rule, order, or ordinance adopted under the plan and providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each offense. 7 A resolution adopting guidelines for persons submitting specific redistricting proposals and providing comments for the 2022 redistricting process. 8 Bid No. 2022-006 - Annual Vacant Landscaping & Property Preservation Maintenance for Environmental Code. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with low bidder, Good Earth Corporation, in the amount of $100,975.00. The term of this contract is for one year, with four additional one-year renewal options. The City Manager is authorized to exercise the renewal options, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 9 RFP No. 2022-013 - Annual Contract for Spay/Neuter Services. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with Texas Coalition for Animal Protection., in the amount of $144,055.00. The term of this contract is for a one-year period, with four additional one-year renewal options. The City Manager is authorized to exercise the renewal options, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.)
An ordinance amending Chapter 2 of the City Code increasing political contribution limitations based on increases to the Consumer Price Index.
Consider appointment of one member to the Animal Services Advisory Committee for a term to expire December 31, 2022.
Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution approving a Second Amendment to an economic development program agreement (Chapter 380 Agreement) between the City of Mesquite and Ashley Furniture Industries, LLC, as assignee of Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc., to provide increased incentives for increased development and employment by company and authorizing the City Manager to finalize, execute and administer the Second Amendment and to take all actions necessary or advisable to complete the transactions contemplated by the Second Amendment.
Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution providing no objection to the Mesquite Leased Housing Associates I, Limited Partnership’s application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (the “TDHCA”) for 2022 Non-Competitive 4% Housing Tax Credits Program for the construction of the Vega Apartments, an approximately 300-unit affordable multi-family rental housing development to be located at or about 12312 FM 2932 in Kaufman County, Texas, located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Mesquite, Texas, in accordance with Chapter 2306 of the Texas Government Code, and authorizing the City Secretary to certify the resolution to the TDHCA. ADJOURNMENT
In accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session to discuss any of the following: Pending and/or Contemplated Litigation Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property Personnel Matters Economic Development
Receive and discuss Initial Assessment regarding whether redistricting is required for City Councilmember districts considering the new 2020 Census data; and, if so, discuss and consider adoption of redistricting criteria to apply to development of new districting plans, and guidelines for public participation in the redistricting process. (Any staff presentation not completed prior to the City Council Regular Meeting in the City Council Chamber at 7:00 p.m. may be presented and considered in the City Council Chamber following the Regular Meeting.)
INVOCATION Beto Meza, Pastor, New Life Church, Mesquite, Texas. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Members of Leadership Mesquite.
This time is reserved for special announcements and recognition of individuals or groups.
At this time, any individual wishing to discuss any matter on the agenda shall be allowed to speak for a length of time not exceeding three minutes on a first-come, first-served basis. Citizens addressing the Council through a translator will be allowed six minutes. Anyone desiring to speak on an item scheduled for a public hearing is requested to hold their comments until the public hearing on that item.
(All items on the Consent Agenda are routine items and may be approved with one motion; however, should any member of the Council or any individual wish to discuss any item, said item may be removed from the Consent Agenda upon request by a City Councilmember.) 2 Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held January 3, 2022. 4 An ordinance amending Chapter 6, “Fire Prevention and Protection,” of the City Code by repealing and replacing Item No. 46 from the Table of Local Amendments to the 2018 International Fire Code (IFC) contained in Section 6-151(2) regarding IFC 503.4.1 - “Traffic Calming Devices.” 5 An Emergency Measure Ordinance of the City of Mesquite, Texas, authorized pursuant to Mesquite City Charter, Article IV, Section 18 and Section 19; continuing the Mayor’s Declaration of Local State of Disaster for Public Health Emergency Related to COVID-19 issued on March 23, 2020, and as previously continued and authorized by the following 2020 ordinances, Ordinance No. 4773, No. 4781, No. 4784, No. 4793, No. 4804, and No. 4822; and 2021 ordinances, Ordinance No. 4836, No. 4844, No. 4858, No. 4879, and No. 4902; confirming the continued activation of the City’s Emergency Management Plans; adopting and approving certain rules and orders to protect the health and safety of persons in the City and to help abate the public health emergency; authorizing the City Manager or his designee to make certain decisions and to take necessary actions to meet city objectives to have city government remain functional while providing essential governmental services during this rapidly changing environment created by the public health emergency; making various findings and provisions related to the subject; making it an offense to fail to comply with a state, local, or interjurisdictional emergency management plan or any rule, order, or ordinance adopted under the plan and providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each offense. 7 A resolution adopting guidelines for persons submitting specific redistricting proposals and providing comments for the 2022 redistricting process. 8 Bid No. 2022-006 - Annual Vacant Landscaping & Property Preservation Maintenance for Environmental Code. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with low bidder, Good Earth Corporation, in the amount of $100,975.00. The term of this contract is for one year, with four additional one-year renewal options. The City Manager is authorized to exercise the renewal options, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.) 9 RFP No. 2022-013 - Annual Contract for Spay/Neuter Services. (Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a contract with Texas Coalition for Animal Protection., in the amount of $144,055.00. The term of this contract is for a one-year period, with four additional one-year renewal options. The City Manager is authorized to exercise the renewal options, subject to annual appropriation of sufficient funds.)
An ordinance amending Chapter 2 of the City Code increasing political contribution limitations based on increases to the Consumer Price Index.
Consider appointment of one member to the Animal Services Advisory Committee for a term to expire December 31, 2022.
Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution approving a Second Amendment to an economic development program agreement (Chapter 380 Agreement) between the City of Mesquite and Ashley Furniture Industries, LLC, as assignee of Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc., to provide increased incentives for increased development and employment by company and authorizing the City Manager to finalize, execute and administer the Second Amendment and to take all actions necessary or advisable to complete the transactions contemplated by the Second Amendment.
Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution providing no objection to the Mesquite Leased Housing Associates I, Limited Partnership’s application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (the “TDHCA”) for 2022 Non-Competitive 4% Housing Tax Credits Program for the construction of the Vega Apartments, an approximately 300-unit affordable multi-family rental housing development to be located at or about 12312 FM 2932 in Kaufman County, Texas, located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Mesquite, Texas, in accordance with Chapter 2306 of the Texas Government Code, and authorizing the City Secretary to certify the resolution to the TDHCA. ADJOURNMENT