Mesquite, TX
Video index
1 Receive presentation regarding the 2023 Meritorious Conduct Awards to Police Department employees.
2 Recognize staff members from Pioneer Technology & Arts Academy.
14 Conduct a public hearing to gather input from residents on the proposed changes regarding an update to the Water Conservation Plan and Water Resource and Emergency Management Plan as required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Texas Water Development Board.
15 Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution supporting Town East Trails Realty, LP’s application to the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas for a grant that supports affordable housing for the construction of a 76-unit, senior-restricted affordable multi-family rental housing development to be located at 1220 North Town East Boulevard on the northeast corner of Poteet Drive and Independence Drive and authorizing the City Secretary to certify the Resolution to the Federal Home Loan Bank Board.
16 Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance for Zoning Application No. Z0224-0345, submitted by Emily Zoellner of Manhard Consulting, for a change of zoning from Commercial and R-2 Single-Family Residential to Planned Development - Commercial to allow an office warehouse development with modified development standards, located at 21900, 22000 and 22100 Interstate Highway 635. (No responses in favor or in opposition to the application have been received from property owners within the statutory notification area. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval with certain stipulations.)
17 Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance revising the City Code by making a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment, ZTA No. 2024-02, thereby revising Appendix C - Zoning Ordinance; Part 2 (Residential Districts) for the purpose of updating the City’s ordinances regarding parking requirements for multifamily residential development. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zoning text amendment.)
Apr 15, 2024 City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1 Receive presentation regarding the 2023 Meritorious Conduct Awards to Police Department employees.
2 Recognize staff members from Pioneer Technology & Arts Academy.
14 Conduct a public hearing to gather input from residents on the proposed changes regarding an update to the Water Conservation Plan and Water Resource and Emergency Management Plan as required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Texas Water Development Board.
15 Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution supporting Town East Trails Realty, LP’s application to the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas for a grant that supports affordable housing for the construction of a 76-unit, senior-restricted affordable multi-family rental housing development to be located at 1220 North Town East Boulevard on the northeast corner of Poteet Drive and Independence Drive and authorizing the City Secretary to certify the Resolution to the Federal Home Loan Bank Board.
16 Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance for Zoning Application No. Z0224-0345, submitted by Emily Zoellner of Manhard Consulting, for a change of zoning from Commercial and R-2 Single-Family Residential to Planned Development - Commercial to allow an office warehouse development with modified development standards, located at 21900, 22000 and 22100 Interstate Highway 635. (No responses in favor or in opposition to the application have been received from property owners within the statutory notification area. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval with certain stipulations.)
17 Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance revising the City Code by making a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment, ZTA No. 2024-02, thereby revising Appendix C - Zoning Ordinance; Part 2 (Residential Districts) for the purpose of updating the City’s ordinances regarding parking requirements for multifamily residential development. (The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the zoning text amendment.)
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